What are your ethnic backgrounds? Black and Native American… White and Hispanic
How long have you been together? 4 and a half years
Where did you meet? High school
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What are your ethnic backgrounds? Black and Native American… White and Hispanic
How long have you been together? 4 and a half years
Where did you meet? High school
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What are your ethnic backgrounds?
Black & Caucasian… Mexican, Spaniard & French
How long have you been together?
2 years
Where did you meet?
VEGAS on the dance floor ❤❤!
What are your ethnic backgrounds?
Andira– half German/Turkish half Black
Shayne– half Moroccan/Algerian half Irish
How long have you been together?
An amazing 2 years
Where did you meet?
High School
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I am Black and my husband is White.
We met in a chat-room. We have been married since July 7th, 2012.
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What are your ethnic backgrounds?
Kòrsou and Holland
How long have you been together?
2 years
Where did you meet?
What are your ethnic backgrounds?
How long have you been together?
Where did you meet?
We are both Black & White
We have been tohether four years,
We were next door neighbors.
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What are your ethnic backgrounds?
How long have you been together?
Where did you meet?
New Zealander and Jamaican
9 months LDR, engaged.
Met on interracial site
I’m Black & Native American and he’s White and Hispanic. We met in high school and we’ve been together for 4 and half years.
What are your ethnic backgrounds?
Monique’ – Black & Mexican American
Ron – German & Irish
How long have you been together?
2 years
Where did you meet?
San Antonio at a Club Industry
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