
Vanessa and Igor

by vbullin on July 23, 2024

in Other

Wife: My father is predominantly Northern French/Breton,Norman with some Scottish, Northern Irish, Manx, and smaller amounts of German, Swiss, Austrian, Swedish, Norwegian, and Ukrainian. My mother is Louisiana Creole, Irish, Welsh, and Haitian.
Husband: My father is Belarusian, with smaller amounts of Ukrainian, My mother is Belarusian, with smaller amounts of Ukrainian and possibly Ashkenazi Jewish roots as well. We have been together 6 years and we met online. Wife: My mothers side of the family were excepting of our relationship but my fathers family did not like the fact that I married an Eastern European” foreigner”. Husband: My father was very open and accepting however my mother was not okay with it. She always told me to be like everyone else and it’s not good to stick out. We didn’t listen to the negativity because our love is so strong. We are happily married till this day!.


Vedat & Irisha

by ifayson on January 19, 2015

in Other

Turkish Kurdish boyfriend black girlfriend couple

What are your ethnic backgrounds: My boyfriend is Turkish and Kurdish; I am Bahamian and Cherokee Indian
How long have you been together: 6 beautiful weeks and 4 glorious days
How did you meet: We met on base at the BX. He is a sales vendor and I’m in the military.
How have people reacted to your relationship: Our family and friends have been so lovely and accepting of our relationship. Our bond is going in the right direction and that’s what matters. God Bless us!


Evan and Summer

by ikandy34 on December 17, 2014

in Other

Hapa girl and Japanese boy couple

What are your ethnic backgrounds: I am hawaiian/chinese/irish and other stuff and my bf is japanese okinawan
How long have you been together: going 6 months
How did you meet: omg How have people reacted to your relationship: they like they see we are happy it’s pretty common to have mixed couples where I’m from and most people I know are more than one ethnicity


Sudler & Senayet

by pocketfull1 on September 9, 2014

in Other

Haitian & Eritrean couple

What are your ethnic backgrounds: Haitian & Eritrean

How long have you been together:7 1/2 Years

How did you meet: Library


Mutiu and Victoria

by Victoria on June 17, 2014

in Other

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Mutiu and I met online in 2006..we lost contact but love brought us back together. Mutiu is German and Nigerian, I am Black American,Cuban, and American Indian.


Amir and Jessica

by kayphotography on June 9, 2014

in Other

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What are your ethnic backgrounds?I’m Irish German and Cherokee, Amir is Saudi Arabian and English
How long have you been together? 5 years married for 3
Where did you meet? A friend introduced us.
We’re having twin girls any day now


Mindy and Keoni

by tdomf_5ed4d on April 16, 2014

in Other

Indian Girl Asian/Hawaiian guy couple

What are your ethnic backgrounds? Me: Indian, Him: Korean and Hawaiian
How long have you been together? Married 6 years
Where did you meet? Online


Jason & McKenzie

by tdomf_5ed4d on March 17, 2014

in Other

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My Husband is Caucasian American & I and multi racial.
We have been married 6 years
We meet through a family member. We have one beautiful son together


Byron and Taylor.

by tdomf_5ed4d on February 20, 2014

in Other

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My name is Taylor. I am full white and My wonderful boyfriend of 4 years, Byron, is Nicaraguan. We met in high school. ❤


Janina and kalvin

by tdomf_5ed4d on January 18, 2014

in Other

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I’m german and black and he is Puerto Rican and Cuban.
We have been together for 4 months
We met through a friend