
by jamaericanr on July 11, 2015

in Uncategorized

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What are your ethnic backgrounds: Jamaican&AfricanAmerican , his: Afghani
How long have you been together:7years
How did you meet: freshman year of high school.
How have people reacted to your relationship:
My family friends really supportive, his family and friends not so supportive :/ even after so long.

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honeybunni22 August 5, 2015 at 5:55 pm

I was once in love with an Arab-American man born in Algeria. That was one of the best times of my life. But it also caused the deepest heartbreak that I’ve ever experienced. Although his family may never accept you due to strict religious belief and upbringing, don’t let this affect how you two feel about each other. My ex, his family found out about us when he went home for the Eid celebration. When they found out that he meant to marry me, they quickly threatened to cut him off completely. Yes, he is allowed to marry Christian and Jewish women, but their preference will always be a full blooded Arab woman over us. So sad that they don’t wish him happiness over misery. I wish you 2 all the love and luck in your future!

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