Black and White

Kristina & Paul

by Krisi on October 22, 2012

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds?
Kristina – Black
Paul – White

How long have you been together?
1 year and 2 months.

Where did you meet?
At church.


Deanna and Chris

by dandc on October 22, 2012

in Black and White

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My boyfriend and I.
We met at work and have been together since 2008.

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Kelvin and Tamera

by tamera johnson on October 21, 2012

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds? he is Puerto Rican and I’m black and white
How long have you been together? 7 months
Where did you meet?


Megan and Sean

by megan on October 20, 2012

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds? Megan: Black. Sean: White

How long have you been together? Six months.

Where did you meet? School.


My love and I.

by summernights on October 19, 2012

in Black and White

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He’s one of the best things to happen to me and I couldn’t be happier with him.

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Stephen & Lashay

by peacelovehappiness on October 18, 2012

in Black and White

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We’ve been together going on 10 months. We’re from completely different worlds but we fit together perfectly.

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My bf and I.

by inlove on October 15, 2012

in Black and White

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I love him so much.


Lindsey and Brian

by caligirl on October 15, 2012

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds?

I’m White and my boyfriend is Black.

How long have you been together?

We just had our one year anniversary in September.

Where did you meet?

We met thanks to my brother, he’s one of his friends.


vanessa & evan

by vanessa on October 14, 2012

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds? black & white

How long have you been together? 10 months

Where did you meet? we met through mutual friends.


Nicole, Michael, and our daughter Jasmine

by NicoleMichaelAndJasmine on October 14, 2012

in Black and White

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This is my beautiful family. I am so blessed and grateful to have a husband who loves me for me, and always protects and supports me. He is an amazing father as well.