He’s white, native American, and Mexican. I’m a mutt! English, Italian, Irish, native American and black mother, belizean Guatemalan, British father
We’ve been together for 4 months and many more to come
We met Through a mutual friend of ours literally 3 doors down from my apt.

What are your ethnic backgrounds?
My Father is Black/Seminole and my Mother is Swiss/French and Ojibwa American Indian.
Jordi is Catalan Spanish
How long have you been together? We have been married 3 years!
Where did you meet? We met in Barcelona.

White & Black
One year and 7 months strong
We met through a friend

This is another picture of us. I am french, spanish, Arab, native American, and African. She is black, Irish, and native American. We are engaged and have been together for 2 years.

What are your ethnic backgrounds?
Will: Colombian and Michela:Haitian
We have been together over 2yrs that’s my
Baby and I love him so much

black carribean and white english
married for 9 years
got 7 kids met at work

I am French, spanish, Arab, Native American, and African. She is African, Irish, and Native American
We are engaged and have been together for 2 years. We met at a zydeco club in Houston.

Zachary is white (Italian and Irish ancestry) and Marquetta is African-American, have been together for 3 years, meet while deployed to Afghanistan.

He’s Irish/German, I’m African-American
We’ve been together since 1998 (dating), married since 2001.
We met in Philadelphia while he was on break from college and I was taking Summer courses.

We’re both mixed (black and white). We met a year ago at our university.