Black and White

Angela and Timothy

by LoveIsAllWeNeed on May 3, 2013

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds? Black & White
How long have you been together? A year
Where did you meet? Church


Justin and Natasha

by Natasha. on May 2, 2013

in Black and White

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I am Black and Justin is White. We met at our job.


Tassha And Cameron Blair

by Tassha on May 2, 2013

in Black and White


What are your ethnic backgrounds? Black and white
How long have you been together? Married five months
Where did you meet? Internet

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Gabriel and Erin

by Miss Erin on May 2, 2013

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds?

Gabriel- Black
Erin- White

How long have you been together?

Two years.

Where did you meet?

We met through mutual friends.

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Natasha and Justin

by Natasha and Justin on May 1, 2013

in Black and White

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I’m Black and Justin is White. We met in 2006 while working at our job.


Gabs and James

by g k on April 30, 2013

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds?hungarian, american
How long have you been together?2,5 years


Darcie &Izzy

by darcie123x on April 29, 2013

in Black and White

Indian girlfriend Black boyfriend

What are your ethnic backgrounds? I am half indian/ half white british, He is british nigerian.
How long have you been together? 2 years
Where did you meet? Through a friend


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I’m Black and Justin is White.


Alexandra and Nathan

by Alex on April 27, 2013

in Black and White

Black Girlfriend White boyfriend

What are your ethnic backgrounds? Black and White.

How long have you been together? It will be two years in May.

Where did you meet? School.


Rych & Russ

by RychNycole on April 23, 2013

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds? I (Rych) am black with native American, Russ is 75% white and 25% black
How long have you been together? Official for 3 months but been talking for over a year
Where did you meet? Bumped into each other walking down the street.