What are your ethnic backgrounds? Rych is black with native American, Russ is 75% white and 25% black
How long have you been together? official for 3 months but have been talking for over a year
Where did you meet? Bumped into each other walking down the street

I am half Hispanic and half black. She is white / We been together 4 years.
We meet online.

Kelly is 100% English, I am African American, Native American, French.
Together 20 years.
Met in Gresham, Oregon.

I was completely amazed by Corey when I first found him. I thought he was flawless, but he was dating someone and I was transitory. The odds that we’d ever actually speak were completely against us, considering both of us were completely thrown by the presence of the other. Yet, when it finally occurred, it didn’t stop. Late nights turned into early morning, where neither of us slept. All we did was talk. At that point, it wasn’t even about the possibility of dating. It was just two people, discussing life, music, our lifestyles, our hardships, and finally… each other.
We were two people who were crazy about each other and we knew it, even a few of my friends knew it. Realizing that you are falling in love with someone is one of the most exhilarating, horrifying moments you could ever experience. I was so nervous about it, that I wanted to stifle it. To keep it under control, under wraps until I was the utmost sure. Yet, the more time we spent together, the more it was crystal clear. We felt it. I am thankful to have the love of someone who I was convinced would never even give me the time of day.
Admittedly, I’ve been afraid in the past. I’ve made mistakes like no other, but I can gladly admit that those mistakes brought me to where I am right now. Sitting here, with the realization, that I’ve finally understood why so many people can hear love songs and smile. I understand why every past serious relationship was such a struggle, and why this one came so naturally. I finally understand what it feels like to be overwhelmed by emotions I can neither define or understand.

We’ve been together for three years.
He is White and I am Black.

What are your ethnic backgrounds? Black and White.
How long have you been together? About a year and a half.
Where did you meet? At a concert.

What are your ethnic backgrounds? Dylan is White. Marissa is Black.
How long have you been together? Two years.
Where did you meet? We met at church.

What are your ethnic backgrounds? I’m White and She Is Black
How long have you been together? 4 years
Where did you meet? Myspace

What are your ethnic backgrounds? I’m black, Native American, and Irish. He’s British and Native American.
How long have you been together? A year and 4 months.
Where did you meet? Through my older brother

What are your ethnic backgrounds? I’m Black, Native American, and Irish. He’s British, and Native American.
How long have you been together? A year and 4 months
Where did you meet? He’s my brother’s best friends…haha.