Black and White

Keith and Julia

by Jules on April 9, 2013

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds? I’m Black, Black Foot Native American, and Irish. He’s British and Native American.
How long have you been together? A year and 4 months
Where did you meet? He’s my brother’s best friends…haha.


Luke and Tanisha

by T and L on April 9, 2013

in Black and White

Cute Black girl and White Guy Couple

What are your ethnic backgrounds? Black and White.

How long have you been together? Three years.

Where did you meet? Work.


Jonelle and Matthew

by Jonelle on April 9, 2013

in Black and White

Black gf White bf

I’m Black and my boyfriend is White. I can’t imagine myself with anyone else. I am truly blessed to have him in my life, and I hope to marry him someday.


tim and tonya

by tonya on April 9, 2013

in Black and White

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im black, indian ,and white,and my husband is irish,italian,polish,and german


Taylor and Diana

by ThePrincess on April 8, 2013

in Black and White

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I’m Black and he’s White. We met at school. He is my everything. ♥ ♥ ♥


Jessica & William

by JessicaMona on April 6, 2013

in Black and White

White boyfriend black girlfriend

William is English Irish and I’m African American. We’ve been together for nearly two years. We met through friends. One day he texted me on a whim & asked if we could grab a bite to eat and to his surprise i said yes and we’ve been inseparable ever since 🙂 We’re currently 6 months pregnant and expecting a baby girl! We never in a million years thought we’d be so in love or get along so well because neither one of us would had ever been in an interracial relationship. Sometimes you have to step outside the box to find the one God has made for you!


Kayla & Spenser

by Afro Girl on April 2, 2013

in Black and White

Black GF White BF

What are your ethnic backgrounds? Black and White.

How long have you been together? 2 years.

Where did you meet? Through friends.


Ariana and Michael 2

by loveseesnocolor on April 2, 2013

in Black and White

Black GF White BF

What are your ethnic backgrounds?

Ariana: Black

Michael: White

How long have you been together?

One year and 8 months

Where did you meet?



Ariana and Michael

by loveseesnocolor on April 2, 2013

in Black and White

love.jpg (81 KB)

What are your ethnic backgrounds?

Ariana: Black

Michael: White

How long have you been together?

One year and 8 months

Where did you meet?


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Quiesha & Matthew

by quiesha on April 1, 2013

in Black and Latino, Black and White

Latino bf Black gf

What are your ethnic backgrounds?
I’m African American, he’s white, Colombian, and Cuban
How long have you been together?
7 months
Where did you meet?
Night club lol