Black and White

Briana and Ryan

by Briana on April 1, 2013

in Black and White

White Boyfriend and Black girlfriend

I’m Black and my boyfriend is White.


Nicole and Travis

by Dixiechick on March 8, 2013

in Black and White

half Black girl and white guy couple

What are your ethnic backgrounds?
Nicole is Black and White, and Travis is White.
How long have you been together?
2 years
Where did you meet?


Darik and Gina

by gbell713 on March 8, 2013

in Black and White

Black girl and white guy couple

What are your ethnic backgrounds? Gina-crazy combination of black, white, indian and french creole??
How long have you been together? 4 years, engaged for 7 months
Where did you meet?
high school


Lee ~ Brittanie & our Daughter Casey

by brittwilliams86 on March 7, 2013

in Black and White

Our Wedding Day March 1st 2013 030.JPG (255 KB)

I’m White my husband is Cherokee & black.
Been together for 8 years & Married for a month now.
we met online be together ever since.


clarisse and joseph

by reeree07 on March 7, 2013

in Black and White

Black GF White BF couple

black woman and white man
we been together for almost 3 years
we meet at my aunt house when i was going to party with my cousins


clarisse and joseph

by reeree07 on March 7, 2013

in Black and White

clarisse and joseph

black woman and white man
we been together for almost 3 years
we meet at my aunt house when i was going to party with my cousins


David and Anaiah 1

by anaiahlove on March 6, 2013

in Black and White

Black girl white guy couple

im african amerian and native american
he is german, irish ,dutch
How long have you been together? 2years
Where did you meet?
8th grade


David and Anaiah

by anaiahlove on March 6, 2013

in Black and White

81c2324c7c21__1351003269000.jpg (56 KB)

What are your ethnic backgrounds?african american and native america(girl) german,irish,dutch, (boy)
How long have you been together? 2 years
Where did you meet?
8th grade


Chad and Shanell

by shanellpink on March 1, 2013

in Black and White

Black girlfriend White boyfriend

What are your ethnic backgrounds? I am black he is white
How long have you been together? We have been together one year and two months
Where did you meet?at a local bar


Quentin & Véronique

by VeroKay on February 25, 2013

in Black and White

HouleKM 1345 [800x600].jpg (91 KB)

What are your ethnic backgrounds? Congolese and Canadian
How long have you been together? 8 years
Where did you meet? In a club