What are your ethnic backgrounds?
White, and half South Korean and half black
How long have you been together?
One year and 9 months
Where did you meet?
Working in the same Grocery store
What are your ethnic backgrounds?
White, and half South Korean and half black
How long have you been together?
One year and 9 months
Where did you meet?
Working in the same Grocery store
What are your ethnic backgrounds? Guyanese & Italian
How long have you been together? 1/12 years
Where did you meet? online
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I’m black and he’s white
We’ve been together for a year and 3 months.
We use to work together 🙂
What are your ethnic backgrounds?
I’m from the beautiful Island of Madagascar (Malagasy people are from Africa+Indonesia+Arab).
My hubby is White American (Irish and German descent)
How long have you been together? 3 years and half
Where did you meet? In Madagascar!!! ^_^
What are your ethnic backgrounds?I’m african american and he is white/irish
How long have you been together?We have been together for a year and a couple of months
Where did you meet?
At work
I’m Dominican my husband is Polish. We’ve been married for 2 months and dating for and a half. Currently pregnant with our first baby girl! We love eachother sooo much.
What are your ethnic backgrounds?
Black and White
How long have you been together?
7 months
Where did you meet?
At a party
What are your ethnic backgrounds?
im 22 black, creole/ native american and corey 23, he’s white/german
How long have you been together? we’ve been friends 5months before dating for 2months now
Where did you meet? we’ll im a home health aid, ive been taking care of a elderly/blind lady for about a 1yr 1/2 now. she such a sweet lady, were very close. During that time i dated a millitary guy that broke my heart very bad. anyways, she was a client at the city’s sight center for visually impaired people. At the sight center she had adopted corey as her son (play son), in which he is also blind but worked there. One day she told him about me. He’s said that he was interested in me mainly because of my name ( he’s a history teacher lol). so she told me about him.he said “i know you been hurt before he’s a good guy and your a good girl and you to should meet.” i gave it a try even tho ive never dated out of my race before nor dating someone blind but he seemed like a pretty neat guy so i gave it a try. We exchanged numbers and been inlove every since…even tho he’s blind and we come from two different world it seems as tho we are ment to Be! the best thing thats happen to me im so blessed and glad we’ve met!!!….COLORBLIND 🙂
I am Irish/English and my boyfriend is Haitian. We met in high school and have been together for two years.
The love of my life and I met five years ago and have been together ever since. We love eachother for who we are. race does not concern us 😉