Black and White

Michelle and Daniel

by M and D on January 27, 2013

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds? Black and White

How long have you been together? One year

Where did you meet? School


Alessandro & lynn

by black,white&mixed on January 17, 2013

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds? Alessandro (1/2 Italian 1/4 Hungarian & 1/4 Scottish) Lynn (100% Black Guyanese)
How long have you been together? 1 year ( Baby on the way due feb/march)
Where did you meet? Online & Alessandro meet me in Guyana
Where did you meet?


Angel and Orlando

by ad1205 on January 12, 2013

in Black and White

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Me (Angel)- (1/4th) African American, (1/4th) Sicilian, (1/4th) Irish, (Little bit) German, Portuguese, French, and British.

Orlando-African American and (Little bit) Native American

Been together 6 wonderful years, married last May, currently expecting our first child together (:

We met at in college at Texas State University

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Courtney And Nathan

by Courtney on January 5, 2013

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds?I’m African american And he is white/Irish
How long have you been together?1 year
Where did you meet?
At work


Erin & Johnnie

by 3rinvogue on December 25, 2012

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds?
I’m White and Black / Biracial
German, English, Scots Irish on my White Side.. Nigerian on my Black Side.

Johnnie is White.
German, Italian and Bohemian
How long have you been together?
Almost a year and a half
Where did you meet?
Dating Site
He is the Man of my dreams!! I’m sooo in love with him<3


Jon and Tiara

by navy352 on December 24, 2012

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds?Jon is Palestian and white and I am black
How long have you been together?
Where did you meet? At an Ole Miss Party


Stella and Charles

by Smwaniki on December 23, 2012

in Black and White

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Charles is Nicaraguan father) and German (mother); I am African (Kenyan)
We met in Charlotte NC
We have been together for 1 year and 2 months. 🙂


Whitney, John

by whit_clay on December 17, 2012

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds? I am African-American, German, polish, Irish, & Romanian, Indian and he is African-American, Cuban, and German
How long have you been together? 3 years and going strong!:) I adore him!:)
Where did you meet? mutual friends


françois et sali

by saleta on December 17, 2012

in Black and White

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african -european
been together for 7 years
We met in africa


EmOh, Tina

by EmOh on December 16, 2012

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds? She’s Irish, He’s Black Dominican
How long have you been together? Three years together, two years married!
Where did you meet? Met in a park in Nashville, TN