Black and White

Felix, Katie

by katieG on September 24, 2012

in Black and White

we have alot of love.jpg (105 KB)

What are your ethnic backgrounds? He is Black & I am White.

How long have you been together? We have been together for almost 3 years.

Where did you meet? We met at his old job through mutual friends. He is my soul-mate, my best friend, my everything, we work together ,live together & do everything together and we NEVER fight.. we have a beautiful relationship/ family. We met on the 6th and by the 10th he asked me out and we have been together ever since then. It really was LOVE AT FIRST SITE. & We have a beautiful 3month old daughter together..Madyson Ashlynn..

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Katie and Keith

by katiexoxo on September 24, 2012

in Black and White

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I’m White, and he’s Black.
We’ve been together for almost a year.
We met at school.

He’s my best friend, soul-mate, and boyfriend wrapped into one amazing person. I love him so much.


Amber and Harry!

by Sarah on September 23, 2012

in Black and White

love.jpg (29 KB)

What are your ethnic backgrounds?

I am a black-British. My Mum is Black, father black. Grandmother was French.

How long have you been together?
Three years. He popped the question. Wedding is next year :”)

Where did you meet?

College. He was my pen pal from America. We decided to take it further, since we liked the same things, and I took a flight to Florida. He eventually asked me out! 🙂


Karen and Patrick

by WHITNEy2 on September 23, 2012

in Black and White

Karen_Patrick-150kizz2.jpg (109 KB)

Karen – Black and Patrick – English/Irish/Italian
Grocery Store


Tony and Sophia

by Tony and Sophia on September 19, 2012

in Black and White

Tony and Sophia Black wife Lithuanian husband

I am Puerto Rican, and Afro-Am., my husband is Lithuanian and some Native American
Been married almost 6 years
We met on my front porch 🙂

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Celeste and Craig

by Cee on September 17, 2012

in Black and White

Craig and Cee.jpg (39 KB)

What are your ethnic backgrounds? Celeste–African American, African, French, Indian, English, and Irish
Craig–Italian, Cicilian, German, and English
How long have you been together? 12 years
Where did you meet?
Monroe, LA

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Celeste and Craig

by Cee on September 17, 2012

in Black and White

Mr and Mrs Craig Bicknell, Sr..jpg (80 KB)

What are your ethnic backgrounds?

Celeste–African American, African, French, Indian, English, and Irish
Craig–Italian, Cicilian, German, and English

How long have you been together? 12 years
Where did you meet? Monroe LA


Me & my love

by bunni88 on September 11, 2012

in Black and White

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African American, Irish and German. Together for two amazing years!


John and Jacia

by jayjayshante on September 4, 2012

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds?
How long have you been together?
Where did you meet?

He : Green eyes that change color sometimes grey, very light skinned kind of yellow and his hair like african american but its curly like someone who’s Mixed, He resembles a eygptian
but he german/black/cheerokee

His Mom is Half german and black but looks mostly white with blue eyes
His Dad is Black and Has Cheerokee indian but looks mostly black with curly hair like his

Me: light brown skin,caramel,brown dark eyes about 1/6 cheerokee but I look like a have chinese in me thats why my jacia like a giesha and brown hair sometimes its light

My Mom: Choclate with deep brown eyes and her hair very light brown dont know her orgins
My Dad: is lighter than my mom but darker than me he is brown but my grandma is half cheerokee and my great gramdma full cheerokee so I guess he like 1/4

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Jamie & JuJu

by OnlyinIraq on September 4, 2012

in Black and White

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He is White (Irish with some Choctaw). I am Caribbean (V.I.). Been together 2 strong, wonderful years. We met while working as civilian contractors in Tikrit, Iraq. Posted a recent pic once before, but this photo is actually in his room in Iraq. We had only been together 7 months in this photo!