What are your ethnic backgrounds?
How long have you been together?
Where did you meet?
My name is Kathleen 34yrs and I am caucasion (white) from German, English and Irish decent. My fiancee name is Kelly 33yrs he is African American (black) from Hatian decent. We have been together for about a year now and plan to marry on our first year anniversary which is November 1st 2012. It is so funny how we met, and we laugh about it to this very day. I was over a friend’s house and Kelly came over there to collect on a debt owed to him, at the time. When he walked in I was sitting on my friend Lisa’s bed and she did not have the money she owed him and so he looked over at me in a stern tone and said, “Hey YOU come with me!” so I was intreaged and decided to see what it was he wanted. We started hanging out after that and have been pretty much inseperable since! He is my very best friend in the whole world! We laugh and laugh so much together! We have really good times together! If it were only us too in the whole world I don’t think we’d even notice, he even mentioned that people probably think we just have this love fest all the time, neither one of us want to associate with other people and if we do we go together. We fulfill each other’s need so well and I know what he is thinking and feeling and he knows how I am thinking and feeling. I feel he is my soul mate. GOD placed him on the earth for me to find and I had to go through my trials and tribulations to get to the point that I am at today. I love Kelly very much and I am sure we will be very happy together!