Me and my love! African-American and Irish/German
What are your backgrounds? He’s white , I’m black and puerto rican. We’ve been together for a year. We met working together.
How long have you been together?
Where did you meet?
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What are your backgrounds? He is black & Puerto Rican. I am German & Native American.
He is African American and I am German/Irish/Czech <3 Happy we found each other after 2 rough pasts.
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Me-black foot Indian, Cuban, and black
Him- Caucasian
High school sweet hearts five years and counting (:
He’s my King I’m his queen
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We are newlyweds! We’ve been together for 4 years, and married on December 30, 2011 in Las Vegas, NV, where we live. We share sobriety and a love for food (eating & cooking), and much, much more. Shannon is a chef and I’m a college student, majoring in Human Services.