Black and White

Mariana & Chris

by candylipsposer90 on May 7, 2012

in Black and White

Portuguese girl mulatto boyfriend

Im Portuguese and my boyfriend is Half French and half Mauritian.


Rose and David again

by Grey Power on April 30, 2012

in Black and White

Grey Power White guy and Black girl

I love Grey power 🙂

Me- African American and Blackfoot (Siksika) Indian
Him- White/ Cherokee indian/irish

Oh, and I’m proud to say Im a big girl and he loves me just the same 🙂 (but he ain’t small either lol)


Crissy & Andre

by jamport on April 29, 2012

in Black and White

Black Girl Portuguese guy

I’m Jamaican and my boyfriend is Portuguese. And were both madly in love!:)


Kanina and Otis

by italianchocolate on April 26, 2012

in Black and White

I am Jamaican and Italian mixed. And my hubby is African American. ***Love has No Limit! :)***

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oreo love lol

by kellyo1220 on April 25, 2012

in Black and White

oreo love Black guy White girl couple

My fiance Geordon and I have been together since 11.11.09. He is mixed with African, Jamaican and Creole and I am Irish with a little bit of Spaniard. Yes we’re young but we’re madly in love!


Rose and David

by Grey Power on April 23, 2012

in Black and White

Black Girlfirend white boyfriend

Me- African American and Black Foot Indian
Him- White/ Cherokee/ Irish mix

Two years dating

Four+ years Best/Close friends

Oh I love him….him and his silver/blue eyes….sigghhhhhh


Rose and David

by Grey Power on April 23, 2012

in Black and White

Black Girlfirend white boyfriend

Me- African American and Black Foot indian
Him- White/ cherokee indian/ irish

Two years dating this october

Four+ years best/close friends


Robert and Dominique

by Ani With on April 21, 2012

in Black and White

I am French, Japanese and African American. He is Italian and German. We have been together 3 years in October and will be getting married Oct. 31 2013.

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Our love!

by bunni88 on April 21, 2012

in Black and White

African-American Girlfriend and Irish/German/Polish Boyfriend

African-American and Irish/German/Polish



by Rachel on April 19, 2012

in Black and White

I believe in Interracial couples ! 😀

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