Black and White

John & Olivia

by John on December 30, 2013

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds?
Olivia: Swedish & Norwegian Decedent
John: Black & Korean
How long have you been together?
5 years
Where did you meet?
High School – Spanish class


Isaiah & Aleeza

by tdomf_5ed4d on December 25, 2013

in Black and White

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boyfriend is African-American, Puerto-Rican, and Native American.

girlfriend is Jewish

it was 3 years in November



Robert and Shireen

by tdomf_5ed4d on December 25, 2013

in Black and White


Been together not very long but already she’s mean the world to me, love you boo xxx I’m English and she is from Grenada.



by jkmayo on December 23, 2013

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds? I’m Jamaican and he is half white half puerto rican.
How long have you been together? 4 months
Where did you meet? college

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Svetlana and Mervis

by tdomf_5ed4d on December 22, 2013

in Black and White


What are your ethnic backgrounds?
How long have you been together?
Where did you meet?
I’m white Ukrainian and he is Black.
Been together for 14 years.
Met outside a store


Yasmin and Andrew

by Yasmin on December 13, 2013

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds?
I am half Arab (Yemeni) and half Black (Somali), and Andrew is white.

How long have you been together?

1 year and 7 months

Where did you meet?

At a party

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Yasmin and Andrew

by Yasmin on December 13, 2013

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds?
I am half (Arab) Yemeni and half Black (Somali) and Andrew is white.

How long have you been together?
1 year and 6 months.

Where did you meet?



Kwadwo & Sophie

by UKlove on December 12, 2013

in Black and White

ournightout.jpg (72 KB)

What are your ethnic backgrounds? Ghanaian and British
How long have you been together? Two years
Where did you meet? University


Kwadwo and Sophie

by UKlove on December 12, 2013

in Black and White

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What are your ethnic backgrounds? Ghanaian and British
How long have you been together? Two years
Where did you meet? University


Chanda & Joel

by luvabletwist on December 12, 2013

in Black and White

chanda and joel 2013.jpg (299 KB)

What are your ethnic backgrounds?
Black & Indian, White and Italian

How long have you been together?
6 months

Where did you meet?
We found each other by God’s grace